Ahead of the 2015 general elections, a former military head of state, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida (retd) on Sunday cautioned Nigerian politicians against overheating the polity.

The former military ruler speaking against the background of the insecurity in the land, noted that overheating the polity would only lead to chaos and anarchy in the land.

He also urged politicians to play the game according to the rule and accept defeat whenever the need arose.

Babangida, in a message at a book launch entitled, ‘Fasting according to Islamic law’ authored by the Director-General of the National Teachers Institute, Dr. Aminu Sharehu held in Kaduna, stressed the need for politicians to accept defeat at polls and learn to prepare for another.

The former military ruler’s message was delivered by a former Director of the nation’s Directorate of Military Intelligence, Gen. Dantsoho Mohammed (retd) under his (IBB) administration on the occasion.

He said, “Your Eminence, Highnesses, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I crave your indulgence to allow me to comment on the charged political atmosphere that engulfs the country today.

“Politics is a game that produces winners and losers at the same time. Not all contestants will emerge victorious at the polls and so losers must learn to accept defeat with grace and prepare for another race someday.

“An overheated polity will produce nothing other than chaos and anarchy in our midst and I wish to advise politicians to be careful and responsible as they start their campaign train for 2015 contest.

“Nigerians deserve nothing less than the dividends of democracy that will guarantee minimum comfort for better, quality life.

“This is what is required to take the youths off the streets, restore the confidence of the disenchanted and provide succor to the poverty-stricken masses of this country.

“This is what is needed to check the menace of violence perpetrated by militants and Boko Haram insurgents.”

In his address, the author noted that he has consistently written on the subject of fasting in Islam due to its significance.

According to Sharehu, “in the observance of fasting, Muslims owe it a duty to learn how to do it in accordance with the tenets of Islam as enshrined on the Shari’ah.

“There is need for the Muslim ummah to close ranks and work together for the unity and progress of our religion and the entire nation.”

via nigerianeye

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