Obama to Egypt’s military: hand back control to democratic govt

President Barack Obama yesterday urged Egypt’s military to hand back control to a democratic, civilian government without delay, but stopped short of calling the ouster of President Mohammed Morsi a coup.

Obama said he was ‘deeply concerned’ by the military’s move to topple Morsi’s government and suspend Egypt’s constitution.

He said he was ordering the U.S. government to assess what the military’s actions meant for U.S. foreign aid to Egypt.

Under U.S. law, the government must suspend foreign aid to any nation whose elected leader is ousted in a coup d’etat.

The U.S. provides $1.5 billion a year to Egypt in military and economic assistance that is considered a critical U.S. national security priority.

British foreign secretary William Hague said he had sent a rapid deployment team of diplomats to reinforce its embassy in Cairo, the Egyptian capital. The team is expected to give additional support to British nationals and prepare for any possible evacuation if the situation deteriorated.

Mr Hague said the military coup in Egypt sets a ‘dangerous precedent’ for the country’s future.

Speaking on Radio 4’s Today programme, he said the British government did not support the deposing of President Morsi. We don’t support military intervention as a way of resolving disputes,’ he said.

‘There’s a dangerous precedent to do that. If one president can be deposed, then so can another in the future. But it’s happened, so we have to recognise the situation will move on.

‘We have to work with whoever is in authority in Egypt for the safety of British citizens – there are so many British companies over there.’

‘We make our views clear. This is a military intervention but it’s a popular intervention; there’s no doubt about that. We have to recognise there was enormous dissatisfaction with the government. Stability in the long term comes from democracy.’

Late Wednesday night, the supreme leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood was arrested over the killing of eight protesters during the uprising which toppled President Mohamed Morsi, security officials revealed yesterday.

Mohammed Badie was detained late Wednesday night in the Mediterranean coastal city of Marsa Matrouh, near the Libyan border, where he has been staying in a villa owned by a businessman with Brotherhood links.

He was flown to Cairo in a military helicopter, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to speak to the media.

He, and his powerful deputy, Khairat el-Shater, are wanted for questioning over their role in the killing this week of eight demonstrators in clashes outside the Brotherhood’s Cairo headquarters.

A report by the official news agency gave no further details, but Mr Badie and Mr el-Shater are on a wanted list of more than 300 Brotherhood members and leaders of other Islamist groups.

The BBC Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen reporting from Egypt tweeted that a chant secular Egypt loves to hear at demos is: ‘No more beards’, in relation to the beard-wearing Muslim Brotherhood.

Badie and el-Shater have been widely believed to be the source of real power in Egypt during the rule of Mr Morsi.

Morsi himself, the Brotherhood veteran who a year ago became Egypt’s first freely elected president, has been held in an unknown location since the generals pushed him out yesterday.

The Brotherhood announced it would boycott the new military-sponsored political process and called on its supporters to restrain themselves and not use violence.

“We declare our uncompromising rejection of the military coup staged against the elected president and the will of the nation and refuse to participate in any activist with the usurping authorities,”said the statement, which the group’s mufti Abdel-Rahman el-Barr read to the Morsi’s supporters staging a days-long sit-in in Cairo.

The arrest came as the chief justice of Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court was sworn in as the nation’s interim president, taking over hours after the military ousted the Islamist President Mohammed Morsi.

Celebrations took place across Egypt all on Wednesday night after the head of Egypt’s armed forces issued a declaration suspending the constitution and appointing the head of the constitutional court as interim head of state.

Gehad el-Haddad, a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood party, said Morsi was under house arrest at a Presidential Guard facility where he had been residing, while 12 of his aides were also being held.

Earlier, the chief justice Adly Mansour took the oath of office at the Nile-side Constitutional Court in a ceremony broadcast live on state television.

According to military decree, he will serve as Egypt’s interim leader until a new president is elected. A date for that vote has yet to be set.

In his first remarks, Mr Mansour praised the massive street demonstrations that led to Mr Morsi’s removal.

He also hailed the youths behind the protests that began on June 30, saying they embodied ‘the nation’s conscience, its ambitions and hopes’.

‘The most glorious thing about June 30 is that it brought together everyone without discrimination or division,’ he said. ‘I offer my greetings to the revolutionary people of Egypt.’

Dressed in a dark blue suit and blue tie, Mr Mansour said the revolution must continue ‘so we stop producing tyrants’.

‘I look forward to parliamentary and presidential elections held with the genuine and authentic will of the people,’ he said.

‘The youths had the initiative and the noblest thing about this glorious event is that it was an expression of the nation’s conscience and an embodiment of its hopes and ambitions.

‘It was never a movement seeking to realise special demands or personal interests.’

Mr Morsi was Egypt’s first democratically elected president but was overthrown by the military on Wednesday after just one year in office.

The military, in a statement read by army chief General Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi on Wednesday night, also suspended the Islamist-drafted constitution and called for new elections. Mr Morsi has denounced the action as a ‘full coup’ by the generals.

Millions of anti-Morsi protesters around the country erupted in celebrations after the televised announcement by the army chief.

Fireworks burst over crowds in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, where men and women danced, shouting, ‘God is great’ and ‘Long live Egypt.’

But clashes erupted in several provincial cities when Islamists opened fire on police, with at least 14 people killed, security officials said.

Fears were also growing of further unrest as Islamists took to Twitter to organise a series of rallies to coincide with Friday prayers.

The fact that Egypt’s interim president comes from the Constitutional Court adds a symbolic sting to Mr Morsi’s removal.

The Islamist leader and his Muslim Brotherhood backers had repeatedly clashed with the judiciary while in power, accusing the judges of being loyalists of former autocrat Hosni Mubarak, who was ousted in a 2011 uprising, and saying they seek to undermine Egypt’s shift to democratic rule.

The judges, meanwhile, had repeatedly challenged the Brotherhood’s policies and what many in Egypt considered the group’s march to power. The Constitutional Court dissolved the Islamist-dominated parliament in June, last year, saying it was illegally elected.

Even with an interim leader now in place, Egypt remains on an uncertain course following Mr Morsi’s ousting, and the possibility of further confrontation still looms.

Beyond the fears over violence, some protesters are concerned whether an army-installed administration can lead to real democracy.

The army took control of state media and blacked out TV stations operated by the Muslim Brotherhood, while the head of the Brotherhood’s political wing was also arrested.

Social media continued to function normally, however, with both the former president’s aides and the opposition using Twitter and Facebook to provide updates.

‘Egypt remains online. So far no repeat of 2011,’ said Internet monitoring company Renesys in a Twitter message late Wednesday, according to IDG news service.

It was a far cry from the upheaval in January 2011 when President Hosni Mubarak ordered service providers to shut down all international connections to the internet.

Mr Hague insisted that the government did not make a mistake in supporting the original uprising and said Britain would continue to support Arab countries pushing for democratic reform.

‘Across the Middle East there’s a general debate taking place about the role of religion in the state, new political parties are being formed.

‘But it may well take a generation and there will be upheaval, there will be turbulence so we have to have the strategic patience. They are having debates we had in Europe hundreds of years ago.

‘I don’t think we should lose faith. Autocracy cannot be the way of the future in the 21st century.’

via nigerianeye

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